...une des plus grandes voix d'aujourd'hui...</font><br />Alain Duault - RTL France...as the tormented heroine, Lisa Houben sings powerfully...<br /> Robert Baxter - The Opera Quarterly Soprano di grande temperamento ... de son chant, juste, plein, jaillit une incroyable puissance...<br />Michele Friche - Le Soir ...offerto le interpretazioni più acclamate del Concerto, grazie anche alle sue non comuni doti di attrice... ...vocal honours went to Lisa Houben, dashing in knickerbockers and riding boots and in glorious voice as Leonore/Fidelio...<br />Jeanine Alton - Oxford Times ...a magnificent Tosca, tall, gorgeous and blessed with an enormous voice she uses with total intelligence and musicality... her Vissi d'Arte aria stopped the show. For her curtain call, the audience simply rose to its feet and began shouting...<br />Hugh Fraser- The Spectator ...a touching portrayal of Maddalena...<br />Marcel Croës - The Bulletin


Ritorna Vincitor




The focus of their ardor is Tosca, a role immortalized by Maria Callas. Lisa Houben accomplishes some important functions in the title role, which she has played before. The Dutch-American soprano embodied the role with both the fragility and underlying steeliness it calls for. Her delivery for many stretches was almost perfect, flawlessly shifting to rich lower registers and back up to the top. Her rendition of the mournfully reflective Vissi d'arte aria in Scarpia's study was lovely.....(from Tampa Bay Times - April 09 2017)